
How to achieve your goals in the remaining days by Dec 31st 2019

How to achieve your goals in the remaining days by Dec 31st 2019

Goal setting in business or target in commerce are very normal in every 2 remaining months of the year, November and December. The months of challenges, chasing, and rushing to make dream targets to be achievable. From real estate to education, farmer to freelancer, manufacturer to medical representatives will be having a crucial month to make their early year plan a worthy discussion. As the world in the dilemma of the trade war, the crisis in certain countries, unfound existing scam around globe, pre-Brexit, Tokyo Olympics, US election ahead and many more elements that shake the commerce and inter-country business operation, many finding it’s hard to achieve their goal as people in low spending and minimal purchase power. However, Experts says goals are still achievable despite matters arrive:

1) Talks values, rather than price

2) Describe the potential of buying now than later

3) Discuss future plan and client progress to help the customer make a wise decision

4) Genuinely help to understand customer necessity than create the needs

5) Positively claim the business rather than advise the customer to make a comparison to competitor



Masters In International Business Studies (MBS), Dublin, Ireland

Director of Strategic Partnership

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